• relay

    英:[ˈri:leɪ]   美: ['ri:leɪ] 

    relay 基本解释


    名词继电器; 传递; 接替人员,替班; 接力赛

    及物动词转播,传达; 用驿马递送,使接替; 分程传递

    relay 相关例句


    1. She wanted to relay the carpet in her new home.

    2. relay的反义词

    2. He relayed the news to his mother.

    relay 网络解释

    1. 继电器:10.(2) 继电器 (Relay) 之线圈通电后 ①a 接点不通 b 接点通②a 接点通 b 接点不通 ③a 接点变 b 接点,36.(2) 平衡型减压阀的柱塞 (Stem) 上,有 ①配重②通气孔 ③不平衡面积 ④压力感应弹簧 故可使柱电磁作动.

    2. 转播:开启转播q 按下转播(RELAY)键超过1 秒启动转播模式. 可以设置以下转播模式. 若用单边的转播(RELAY)键选中转播模关闭转播w 在转播模式下按下转播(RELAY)键超过 1键闪烁. 按下回位(CUE)键后时个文件(NEXTFILE)功能.

    3. 传播:它大量渗透在图像之中,这显示我们仍旧处于一个隶属于书写的文化形态上(a civilization of writing),书写和言说持续主宰着资讯结构的运用,图像和语言讯息的关键,巴特提出的下锚(anchorage)以及传播(relay),也是我们难以摆脱

    relay 词典解释

    The noun is pronounced /'riːleɪ/. The verb is pronounced /rɪ'leɪ/. 名词读作/'riːleɪ/。动词读作/rɪ'leɪ/。

    1. 接力比赛(如赛跑或游泳)
        A relay or a relay race is a race between two or more teams, for example teams of runners or swimmers. Each member of the team runs or swims one section of the race.

        e.g. Britain's prospects of beating the United States in the relay looked poor.

    2. 转播,传送,传输(电视或收音机信号)
        To relay television or radio signals means to send them or broadcast them.

        e.g. The satellite will be used mainly to relay television programmes...
        e.g. This system continuously monitors levels of radiation and relays the information to a central computer...

    3. (接受和发送电视或广播信号的)转播设备,中继设备
        A relay is a piece of equipment that receives television or radio signals from one place and sends them to another place.


        e.g. ...a security system with satellite relays.
        e.g. ...a television relay station.

    4. 传(话);转述
        If you relay something that has been said to you, you repeat it to another person.

        e.g. She relayed the message, then frowned...
        e.g. The decision will be relayed to Iraq's ambassador at the UN.

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