• connect

    英:[kəˈnekt]   美: [kəˈnɛkt] 

    connect 基本解释


    connect 相关例句


    1. Connect me with Taipei, please.

    2. This railway connects London and Edinburgh.

    3. This flight connects with New York one.

    4. Their families are now connected by marriage.


    1. The two parts do not connect properly.

    connect 情景对话


    A:Beijing Trading Campany. May I help you?


    B:I would like to talk with Mr.Zhong.

    A:We have two Zhongs. Is that Bob Zhong, or John Zhong?

    B:John Zhong

    A:I'm sorry, he's not in the office now.

    B:Do you have any idea when he'll be back?


    A:I have no idea(when he'll be back.)

    B:Can you ask him to call me when he comes back?It's urgent.

    A:I'm sorry but he's in Shanghai on business.Probably sometime tomorrow.

    B:Is there anyone else who can help me?

    A:Maybe you can connect with Miss Zhang.

    B:OK.Would you please get it through to Miss Zhang.

    A:OK. I'll just put you through.Just a moment, please.
          好的,我这就给您转接。 请稍候。


    B:You're welcome.

    connect 网络解释

    1. 联系:(2)诺基亚将其手机产品分为四大类,即生活(Live),联系(Connect)、成就(Achieve)和探索(Explore). 四类手机将针对不同的用户,提供不同的功能和应用. --产品定位战略

    2. 联结:联合国将1990年定为环境素养年(Environmental Literacy Year),在其出版的环境教育通讯<<联结>>(Connect)中以全人类环境素养(Environment literacy for all)为题,对环境素养曾作下列描述:全人类环境素养为全人类基本的功能性教育,

    connect 词典解释

    1. (使)连接
        If something or someone connects one thing to another, or if one thing connects to another, the two things are joined together.

        e.g. You can connect the machine to your hi-fi...
        e.g. The traditional method is to enter the exchanges at night and connect the wires...

    2. 使连接,使接通(电源、水源等)
        If a piece of equipment or a place is connected to a source of power or water, it is joined to that source so that it has power or water.

        e.g. These appliances should not be connected to power supplies...
        e.g. Ischia was now connected to the mainland water supply.

    3. (接线员)给…接通电话
        If a telephone operator connects you, he or she enables you to speak to another person by telephone.


        e.g. To call the police, an ambulance or the fire brigade dial 999 and the operator will connect you...
        e.g. He asked to be connected to the central switchboard.

    4. (使)相连;(使)相通
        If two things or places connect or if something connects them, they are joined and people or things can pass between them.


        e.g. ...the long hallway that connects the rooms...
        e.g. The fallopian tubes connect the ovaries with the uterus...

    5. (火车或飞机等)联运,衔接
        If one train or plane, for example, connects with another, it arrives at a time which allows passengers to change to the other one in order to continue their journey.

        e.g. ...a train connecting with a ferry to Ireland...
        e.g. My connecting plane didn't depart for another six hours.

    6. (使)换乘(飞机或火车)
        If you connect to a particular plane or train, or if another plane or train connects you to it, you change to that plane or train from another one in order to continue your journey.


        e.g. ...business travellers wanting to connect to a long-haul flight...
        e.g. That will connect you with time to spare for the seven o'clock Concorde.

    7. 把…联系起来
        If you connect a person or thing with something, you realize that there is a link or relationship between them.


        e.g. I hoped he would not connect me with that now-embarrassing review I'd written seven years earlier...
        e.g. I wouldn't have connected the two things.

    8. 使…有联系
        Something that connects a person or thing with something else shows or provides a link or relationship between them.

        e.g. A search of Brady's house revealed nothing that could connect him with the robberies...
        e.g. What connects them?

    9. (与…)有同感,产生共鸣
        If you connect with someone, you feel a sense of agreement and familiarity with them because you have the same kind of ideas.

        e.g. If you stand on stage and share your view of the world, people will connect with you.

    相关词组:connect up

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