• solid

    英:[ˈsɒlɪd]   美: [ˈsɑ:lɪd] 

    solid 基本解释

    solid 反义词


    同义词: completecontinuousdurableentirefirmhardrigidstrongsturdysubstantialwhole
    反义词: fluidliquid

    solid 相关例句


    1. Gold is solid, but when you heat it, it becomes liquid.

    2. People like solid furniture.


    3. This is a solid rubber tyre.

    4. The students are learning solid geometry.


    1. solid什么意思

    1. Iron is a solid.

    solid 网络解释

    1. 实线:假如你指定样式为实线(solid),那么其余的值将使用默认值:默认的宽度为中等(相当于3到4像素默认的颜色为边框里的文字颜色. 如果这正是你想要的效果,你完全可以不在css里指定.

    2. 实心填充:共有填充样式(Fill Style)与填充颜色(Fill Color)两种设置功能,其中,填充样式又分为没有填充(None)、实心填充(Solid)、线性渐变填充(Linear Gradient)、球性渐变填充(Radial Gradient)、位图填充(Bitmap)五种填充方式.

    solid 词典解释

    1. 固体的;固态的
        A solid substance or object stays the same shape whether it is in a container or not.


        e.g. ...the potential of greatly reducing our solid waste problem...
        e.g. He did not eat solid food for several weeks.

    2. 固体
        A solid is a substance that stays the same shape whether it is in a container or not.


        e.g. Solids turn to liquids at certain temperatures.
        e.g. ...the decomposition of solids.

    3. 坚硬的;坚固的
        A substance that is solid is very hard or firm.

        e.g. The snow had melted, but the lake was still frozen solid...
        e.g. The concrete will stay as solid as a rock.

    4. 无空隙的;实心的;非中空的
        A solid object or mass does not have a space inside it, or holes or gaps in it.

        e.g. ...a tunnel carved through 50ft of solid rock.
               打通了 50 英尺厚的实心岩石修建而成的隧道
        e.g. ...a solid wall of multicoloured trees.

    5. 纯(金或木头)的
        If an object is made of solid gold or solid wood, for example, it is made of gold or wood all the way through, rather than just on the outside.

        e.g. The taps appeared to be made of solid gold.
        e.g. ...solid wood doors.

    6. 坚固的;牢固的
        A structure that is solid is strong and is not likely to collapse or fall over.

        e.g. Banks are built to look solid to reassure their customers...
        e.g. The car feels very solid.

    Their house, which was solidly built, resisted the main shock.
    ...the solidity of walls and floors.

    7. 可靠的;可敬的
        If you describe someone as solid, you mean that they are very reliable and respectable.

        e.g. You want a husband who is solid and stable, someone who will devote himself to you...
        e.g. All the band come from good, solid, working-class backgrounds...

    Graham is so solidly consistent.
    He had the proverbial solidity of the English.

    8. (证据、消息等)可靠的,确凿的,有根有据的
          Solid evidence or information is reliable because it is based on facts.

          e.g. We don't have good solid information on where the people are...
          e.g. Some solid evidence was what was required...

    9. (工作、意见等)切实有用的,充实的,实实在在的
          You use solid to describe something such as advice or a piece of work which is useful and reliable.

          e.g. The CIU provides churches with solid advice on a wide range of subjects...
          e.g. All I am looking for is a good solid performance...

    She's played solidly throughout the spring.

    10. (政策的依据、对组织的支持)牢固的,坚实的,充分的
          You use solid to describe something such as the basis for a policy or support for an organization when it is strong, because it has been developed carefully and slowly.

          e.g. I am determined to build on this solid foundation.
          e.g. ...a Democratic nominee with solid support within the party and broad appeal beyond.

    The Los Alamos district is solidly Republican...
    So far, majority public opinion is solidly behind the government.
    ...a society based solidly on trust and understanding.
    ...doubts over the solidity of European backing for the American approach.

    11. 不停息的;不间断的
          If you do something for a solid period of time, you do it without any pause or interruption throughout that time.

          e.g. We had worked together for two solid years.

    People who had worked solidly since Christmas enjoyed the chance of a Friday off.

    12. see also: rock-solid

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