• section

    英:[ˈsekʃn]   美: [ ˈsɛkʃən] 

    section 基本解释

    名词部分; 节; 部件; 部门

    不及物动词切开; 切断; 做(动物或植物组织)切片; 把(精神病患者)正式送入精神病院

    及物动词把…切成片(或段); 作…的切片; 把…作成截面; 制作…的剖面图

    section 相关例句


    1. The teacher sectioned the class for dialogues.


    1. section的解释

    1. This chapter has four sections.

    2. section是什么意思

    2. Chapter II has six sections.

    3. section的解释

    3. Mother cut the cake into six equal sections.

    4. The government's new economic policy gained acclaim from various sections of society.

    section 情景对话

    Exchanges and Returns-(换货和退货)

    A:Hi, there’s a problem with this stereo. I’d like to return it, please.


    B:What’s the problem?

    A:The tape player doesn’t work.

    B:O.K. Do you have your receipt?


    A:Yes, here you are.


    B:Thank you. Do you want your money back, or would you like to exchange it?

    A:I think I’d like to just get another stereo, please.

    B:O.K. Here’s a receipt for store credit. Just take it back to the stereo section and one of our salesmen will help you.


    A:Thanks a lot.

    B:No problem. Thank you.

    Asking Directions-(问路)

    A:Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get downtown?

    B:Yes, of course. Areyou familiar with the streets here?

    A:NO, I'm from out of town.

    B:Well, let me see. What would be the quickest way? I'll tell you. Go to the end of This block, turn right, and walk six blocks. Then turn left for three blocks.There's a Big intersection there.You can't miss it. The main business section is three or four blocks south of the intersection.
          哦,让我想一想,哪一条是最近的路?我告诉您。顺这条街走到下一条横马路时向右转,再过六条马路 然后向左转再过三条马路。那儿有一个很大的交叉路口你不会错过的。从交叉路口向南过三条或四条马路就是主要的商业区。

    A:Thanks a lot. Oh, one more thing. Are there any buses running this time of night?

    B:No. They stop at eleven p.m.

    section 网络解释

    1. section的解释

    1. 节/项:问题是:在设计报表细节项(section)中,RptTextBox控件中,它所指向的数据源字段都是固定的,如何在程序中编写代码,使它能够动态改变它所指向的字段名?

    2. 部分:多数情况下直接使用它们都可以达到我们预期的效果. Template Option的子类是通过调用所在容器/部分(section)的validateOptions方法来实现校验的,当我们有特殊的校验需求时,可以覆盖这个方法.

    3. 剖面:提出一种基于钻孔数据的section-gtp-block模型,通过在矿体表面,以剖面(section)为约束条件构建不规则三角网(tin),根据穿过矿体的钻孔具有对称性,将tin中的三角形逐个沿钻孔向下扩展生成gtp.

    4. section:sect; 断面

    section 词典解释

    1. 部分
        A section of something is one of the parts into which it is divided or from which it is formed.

        e.g. He said it was wrong to single out any section of society for Aids testing...
        e.g. They moulded a complete new bow section for the boat.

    2. 把…切成片;把…分成段(或组等)
        If something is sectioned, it is divided into sections.


        e.g. It holds vegetables in place while they are being peeled or sectioned.

    3. (文件的)节,章;(法律的)条,款,项
        A section of an official document such as a report, law, or constitution is one of the parts into which it is divided.

        e.g. ...section 14 of the Trade Descriptions Act 1968.
               1968 年《商品说明法》第 14 条
        e.g. ...the all-important section on the powers of the federal government.

    4. 断面图;剖面图;截面图
        A section is a diagram of something such as a building or a part of the body. It shows how the object would appear to you if it were cut from top to bottom and looked at from the side.


        e.g. For some buildings a vertical section is more informative than a plan.

    5. Caesarean section -> see Caesarean

    相关词组:section off

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