• impress

    英:[ɪmˈpres]   美: [ɪmˈprɛs] 

    impress 基本解释

    及物动词印; 给…以深刻印象; 使铭记

    名词印象; 印记

    impress 相关例句


    1. I impressed on him the importance of his work.

    2. The woman impressed me most unfavorably.

    3. My father impressed on me the importance of hard work.

    4. I was very impressed by his story.


    1. Time has left its impress upon him.

    impress 网络解释

    1. 印象:7 A 词义比较逻辑推理 家长会上,妈妈的自然的美貌和亲切的举动给到会的人留下了深刻的印象(impress). impress使得深刻印象,打动;surprise使惊奇/惊讶;excite使兴奋, 使激动;comfort安慰, 使舒适. 8 D 词义比较逻辑推理 虽然(in spite of)妈妈脸上有疤痕,

    2. 留下印象:此次第三阶段销售现场指导圆满结束,意见反馈、总结经验在日后的工作中要及时的捕捉,为了奥迪品牌而努力,为了首汽腾迪而贡献,无论是管理层更好地担任管理工作还是销售顾问更好地销售都要再接再厉,朝着奥迪品牌新的销售理念I.D.E.A --留下印象(Impress)、驾驶(Drivi

    impress 词典解释

    1. 给…深刻印象;使钦佩
        If something impresses you, you feel great admiration for it.

        e.g. What impressed him most was their speed...
        e.g. ...a group of students who were trying to impress their girlfriends...

    I was very impressed by one young man at my lectures...
    I'm very impressed with the new airport...
    He went away suitably impressed.

    2. 使铭记;使谨记
        If you impress something on someone, you make them understand its importance or degree.


        e.g. I had always impressed upon the children that if they worked hard they would succeed in life...
        e.g. I've impressed upon them the need for more professionalism...

    3. 使…注意到;给…留下印象
        If something impresses itself on your mind, you notice and remember it.

        e.g. But this change has not yet impressed itself on the minds of the British public.

    4. 给…留下(…的)印象
        If someone or something impresses you as a particular thing, usually a good one, they gives you the impression of being that thing.

        e.g. Billy Sullivan had impressed me as a fine man.

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