• happen

    英:[ˈhæpən]   美: [ˈhæpən] 

    happen 基本解释

    happen 相关词组

    1. happen to : 发生在...人身上;

    happen 相关词组

    1. happen to : 发生在...人身上;

    happen 相关例句


    1. happen在线翻译

    1. I happened to sit by her in the cinema.

    2. I happened to be out when he called.

    3. I happened on just the thing I had been looking for.

    4. The accident happened outside my house.

    5. A funny thing happened.

    happen 情景对话


    A:I do beg your pardon for the mistake I’ve made.

    B:It’s OK. That can happen to the rest of us.


    A:Excuse me. Could you please break this five into some coins for me? I want to make a call.

    B:Sure. What would you like?

    A:How about two dollars in quarters and the rest in dimes and nickels?

    B:Let me see. Good, I happen to have enough. There you go.

    A:It's so kind of you.


    B:Not at all.


    A:We’re supposed to check in at the Air China’s counter 30 minutes before take-off, Joe.
          我们得在起飞前30 分钟到中国国际航空公司柜台前检票,乔(人名)。

    B:Yes, I know. The boarding time on the ticket says 17:05, and now it’s 16:15. I guess we have plenty of time.
          我知道。机票上写的登机时间是17 点5 分,现在是16 点15 分。我看我们的时间还很充裕。

    A:Do we need to show our ID cards when checking in?


    B:Yes. It’s essential.

    A:What about our luggage?


    B:We can check it and hand carry the small bags. And we have to open each for inspection.

    A:Are they going to frisk all the passengers?


    B:I think so. We certainly don’t want a highjack to happen on the plane today.

    happen 网络解释

    1. 碰巧:forget忘记 | happen碰巧 | hate憎恨,厌恶

    2. (偶然)发生:handy 便利的,顺手的 | happen (偶然)发生 | ▲happiness 幸福,愉快

    3. 强调偶然性:come about发生; (风等)改变方向; 转帆, 转航向 | happen强调偶然性 | take place强调必然性或按计划而发生

    happen 词典解释

    1. (偶然)发生,出现
        Something that happens occurs or is done without being planned.

        e.g. We cannot say for sure what will happen...
        e.g. The accident happened close to Martha's Vineyard.

    2. (作为结果)发生,产生
        If something happens, it occurs as a result of a situation or course of action.

        e.g. She wondered what would happen if her parents found her...
        e.g. He trotted to the truck and switched on the ignition. Nothing happened.

    3. (尤指不愉快的事)发生(在…身上);(某人)遭到;遇到
        When something, especially something unpleasant, happens to you, it takes place and affects you.


        e.g. If we had been spotted at that point, I don't know what would have happened to us...
        e.g. It's the best thing that ever happened to me.

    4. 碰巧;凑巧
        If you happen to do something, you do it by chance. If it happens that something is the case, it occurs by chance.

        e.g. We happened to discover we had a friend in common...
        e.g. I looked in the nearest paper, which happened to be the Daily Mail...

    5. 碰巧,恰恰(尤引出令人意外的事)
        You use as it happens in order to introduce a statement, especially one that is rather surprising.

        e.g. She called Amy to see if she had any idea of her son's whereabouts. As it happened, Amy had.

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