• French

    英:[frentʃ]   美: [frɛntʃ] 

    French 基本解释


    French 情景对话

    Language school-(语言学校)




    A:I said, “Bonjour!”


    B:What’s wrong with you, Ted?

    A:I’m speaking French. Don’t you know anything?

    B:What’s wrong with speaking English?


    A:Well, I just got back from my language school. We have to speak French all day there. No English allowed!

    B:What are you doing that for?


    A:I’m trying to learn new skills. It makes me more qualified for a good job.

    B:Good for you.


    A:Can you change American dollars into French Francs?

    B:Yes. How much do you want?

    A:Fifty dollars. What is the exchange rate today?
          只换50 美元。今天的汇率多少?


    B:One dollar to five Francs. Is that all right?
          1 美元对5 法郎。可以吗?

    A:Yes, please. And you can cash my traveler’s check, can’t you?


    B:Of course, we can.

    A:I want to be here tomorrow. What is your business hour?


    B:10 o’clock in the morning to 2 o’clock in the afternoon.
          上午10 点至下午2 点。


    A:Thank you.

    B:Not at all.



    A:What’s your schedule like this year?

    B:Pretty busy. I have to pick up a lot of credits this year.

    A:What’s your major?

    B:I’m majoring in French literature.

    A:Oh, don’t you have to take that class on 18th century poetry? It’s really difficult. I hear the students in that class have to write a paper 100 pages long.


    B:That’s right. We got the assignment last week.

    A:When is it due?

    B:Next Monday!


    A:Remind me never to sign up for that course!

    French 网络解释

    1. 法文:初中的课程是数学(mathematics)、英文(English)、科学(为理化及自然等的综合课)、社会科学(为史地及人文等的综合课)、法文(French). 另外的工业艺术、木工、军事、美术,每样仅修半学期,体育则不算分. 初中成绩单用ABCDEFI七个字母表示.

    French 词典解释

    1. 法国的;法国人的;法语的;法国文化的
        French means belonging or relating to France, or its people, language, or culture.

        e.g. ...the French parliament...
        e.g. All the staff are French.

    2. (总称)法国人
        The French are the people who come from France.

        e.g. Two-thirds of the French are in favour of limiting foreign imports into Europe.

    3. 法语
        French is the language spoken by people who live in France and in parts of some other countries, including Belgium, Canada, and Switzerland.


        e.g. The villagers spoke French.

    French 单语例句

    1. The great majority of French businesses find their China operations contributing less than 5 percent of their total business volume nowadays.

    2. French handbag maker Longchamp has decided to buy out its Chinese distributor, and has assembled a Chinese team to take care of administrative tasks.

    3. French lace families systematically buy Leavers machines that go up for sale, keeping their competitive advantage at home.

    4. By contrast, the French government and the French central bank cannot create euros.

    5. Pound said he was waiting to see if the International Cycling Union would act on the French report.

    6. Previous report by Libyan official television said one French plane was shot down by Libyan force in the region of Tripoli.

    7. Stop by The Villa in the heart of the French Concession for the latest from some top US designers and some unique accessories.

    8. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said that any Syrian transition government " will be chosen by mutual consent and will exclude murderers ".

    9. The French coach seemed to be particularly angered by United midfielder Darren Fletcher's challenges but stopped short of accusing the Scot by name.

    10. France's National Day this year was overshadowed by the deaths of five French soldiers killed by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan the day before.

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